Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Course Outline & Objectives

    3. Materials Needed

    4. Resources

    5. Navigating this Course

    6. Disclaimer - MUST READ

    1. Defining a Caught-in or -Between Hazard - Introduction

    2. Lesson 1 - Definitions

    3. Lesson 2 - Examples

    4. Lesson 3 – Statistics

    5. Defining a Caught-in or -Between Hazard Knowledge Check

    6. Defining a Caught-in or -Between Hazard Questions

    1. Common Types of Caught-in or -Between Hazards in Construction Introduction

    2. Lesson 1 - Unguarded Moving Parts on Machinery

    3. Lesson 2 – Buried in or by Major Hazards

    4. Lesson 3 – Pinned Between Major Hazards

    5. Common Types of Caught-in or -Between Hazards in Construction Knowledge Check

    6. Common Types of Caught-in or -Between Hazards in Construction Questions

    1. How to Protect Yourself from Caught-in or -Between Hazards Introduction

    2. Lesson 1 - Use Properly Guarded Machinery

    3. Lesson 2 - Ensuring Machinery is Supported, Secured, and Safe

    4. Lesson 3 - Protection from Getting Pinned Between Equipment, Materials, or Other Objects

    5. Lesson 4 - Protect Yourself on Excavation Sites

    6. Lesson 5 - Training

    7. How to Protect Yourself from Caught-in or -Between Hazards Knowledge Check

    8. How to Protect Yourself from Caught-in or -Between Hazards Questions

    1. Employer Responsibilities to Protect Workers from Caught-in or -Between Hazards Introduction

    2. Lesson 1 - Provide Guards on Equipment with Moving Parts

    3. Lesson 2 - Support, Secure, and Make Safe

    4. Lesson 3 - Prevent Workers from Being Crushed

    5. Lesson 4 - Prevent Workers from Being Pinned

    6. Lesson 5 - Provide Protection During Trenching and Excavation Work

    7. Lesson 6 - Provide Means to Avoid Collapsing Structures

    8. Lesson 7 - Provide Means to Avoid Being Crushed by Collapsing Walls.

    9. Lesson 8 - Designate a Competent Person

    10. Lesson 9 - Provide Training for Workers

    11. Employer Responsibilities to Protect Workers from Caught-in or -Between Hazards Knowledge Check

    12. Employer Responsibilities to Protect Workers from Caught-in or -Between Hazards Questions

    1. Applying Your Caught-in or -Between Hazards in the Work Place Knowledge

    2. Scenario 1: Buried in Trench

    3. Scenario 1: Buried in Trench Questions

    4. Scenario 2: Pinned Between

    5. Scenario 2: Pinned Between Questions

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  • 44 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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